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What Can You Do About Climate Change?

-Spread the word! Some people truly don't know what climate change is and the causes & effects of it, so share it with

them! Encourage them to take steps in their own lives to stop it from destroying the planet more than it already has.

-Use renewable energy or use less electrical energy. Renewable energy prevents fossil fuels from being burned, but if this

isn't an option for you, determine how you can lower the amount of electrical energy being used in your home.

-Use energy-efficient appliances. The next time you need to buy a fridge, washing machine, or another appliance- find the most energy efficient appliances available.

-Reduce the amount of water you use! Take shorter showers, don't waste water when drinking, and turn off the water when brushing your it all.

-Don't use plastic water bottles and try to recycle as much as possible. Use recyclable products as frequently as you can.

-Wasting less food cuts down energy consumption. Tons of US energy is used to make and sell food, when most of it ends up in a landfill anyway.

-Use better light bulbs.

-Power down! Don't leave fully charged devices charging, unplug rarely used devices, and adjust computers and monitors to put them on low power mode.

-Eat less meat, or no meat at all!

-Drive a fuel-efficient vehicle, drive less and walk more/take public transit.

-Purchase carbon offsets to represent clean power that can add to the nation's energy grid in place of fossil fuels.

-Stick to these things and get others to do it too!

-Make sure that your local representatives are doing the right things and making the right choices for this serious crisis.

-Know that these things actually matter and can make a huge difference, especially on a large scale.

Other Ways Listed In Infographic:

-Grow your own food

-Choose sustainable seafood (or don't eat it at all)

-Choose free range or organic chicken, pork and egg products

-Buy chemical free, organic, or biodynamic.

Other Ways Listed In Infographic:

-Use rechargeable batteries.

-Don't charge overnight.

-Turn down heating.

-Recycle paper and use both sides.

-Switch off lights when you're not in the room.

-Buy local products.

-Use reusable bags.

-Use eco-friendly cosmetics.

-Donate old clothes/recycle them.

-Take your own mug to coffee shop.

Make changes to STOP the change!

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