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  • Writer's pictureScienceNerd14

How Global Warming Affects Animals

It's not just us humans that are being affected by climate change, but many species of animals as well. There are quite a few reasons for this. Number one, due to sea level rise, many islands no longer exist and will no longer exist. Number two, the occurrence of natural disasters is increasing which also affects the way animals live. Number three, many places that exist will eventually no longer exist. It sounds crazy, but it is the effect of our actions. The Alps are predicted to not have anymore glaciers by 2050, Venice's water levels will rise even more to the point it may be inhabitable, and Madagascar may no longer be habitable after fires and deforestation. Number four, ecosystems are changing and habitats are being destroyed. Wildfire needs more protection. Due to climate change, climate patterns are changing and animals have to adapt accordingly. Animals are losing their habitats due to the increase of greenhouse gasses throughout the world. Animals also must alter their breeding and feeding patterns in order to survive. Some species that will be affected are cheetahs, elephants, panda bears, green turtles, polar bears, penguins, and more if we don't make changes to save the animals. These animals all have different habitats, but they are all being affected. The habitat of polar bears is being destroyed

because the Arctic sea ice is melting, threatening their food as well. Elephants are sensitive to high temperatures and need lots of water. The combination of higher temperatures and the difficulty for them to find water is a double whammy. Pandas rely on bamboo for food and shelter. Due to climate change, bamboo is being wiped out. These things are just the tip of the iceberg (no pun intended) and all animals will be affected by climate change, just like all humans are and will be affected. Save the animals! Start right now and make changes!


#savetheanimals #savetheearth 🐼🐯🐧🐋🦚🐂🐾🌲🦢🐠🦐🐍🐺🐨🐭

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